Brianna is preparing to be "mommy's helper." One of her favorite activities right now is changing her doll's diapers.

She's going to be a great big sister! All day long she says, "Baby Out!!" She's getting very anxious to get this baby out of mommy's tummy. Mommy is too! :)

Brianna received a Minnie Mouse dress up outfit for her birthday from some friends. First thing in the morning we hear "clip clop" across the hardwood floor. She loves those shoes! Thanks Shumakers! :)

I'm now 37 weeks. I'm officially full-term now! The baby has turned "head down"...yay! My latest ailment has been lower back & sciatic pain. After a week of hardly being able to walk, I'm finally feeling better. Regular chiropractic adjustments have been helping. I'm sure things will get better once I have the baby. Machen has been a "saint" & has been helping me a lot around the house. We can't wait to meet our little boy! :)

Lisa - you look great! We can't wait to hear that your little guy is finally here! I'm sure the two of us could compare notes on how much fun the last month of pregnancy is. :) Wish we were closer so we could enjoy this time together!
Lisa, you look so cute and ready to pop!!! I have missed seeing you the last couple weeks. I sure can't wait until that little guy gets here; he'd BETTER arrive before we are out of here!
Lisa, you look fabulous!
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