Well, life is starting to settle into a new routine here. Drew is now 2 1/2 weeks old & is doing great! Mommy is very tired until she gets her long daytime nap. Thankfully my mom is here for 2 1/2 more weeks to help out. She makes it possible for me to take my naps & keep my sanity! She has been a HUGE help around here keeping the kitchen going, laundry, rocking Drew, & around the clock care of Brianna. Brianna is enjoying her time with Nana. She is adjusting well, but struggles at times with this new transition. Last night I was able to go to my baby shower put on my Sunday School class ladies. We had it at a yummy place called "McAllister's Deli." A bunch of my friends came out & showered Drew with lots of really cute clothes! He's going to be one styling little man! :) My shower was originally scheduled for April 17 th, but that's the day I started contractions... It was actually more fun getting to bring Drew with me. Plus my mom got to be here for it too. Today we enjoyed the 80+ degree weather by going to a park & getting pizza & root beer floats for dinner! I haven't seen Brianna that dirty in a long time! Needless to say, she thoroughly enjoyed herself. :)
We would like to praise the Lord for several specific answered prayers for Drew Nicholas...
- No high risk issues for the pregnancy
- Turned in time from a breech position
- Came 2 weeks early (a relief for Mommy's back!)
- No complications for our unmedicated water birth
- Healthy little boy
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father..." James 1:17