Wow!! I'm actually updating my blog! As you can see, it's a bit harder these days to find time for blogging. :) Yes, life with a 2 yr. old & a 2 mo. old is VERY busy!! I hadn't anticipated it being quite this challenging, but with each passing day we are settling into a "new norm." As I'm writing both kiddos have woken up from their we'll see how far I get here! I can't believe Drew will be 11 weeks on Sat.!!! He's is growing so quickly. It's incredible to watch the transformation take place! He's a big the 90th percentile for height & weight. He now has a ready smile for us & is starting to vocalize a bit. He tends to be a fussy baby & loves to be held anytime he's awake. Thankfully he's learning to be content in his swing or bouncer. I invested in a sling & front carrier which helps in those moments when he really needs to be held & I really need my hands free. He is now sleeping about 6-7 hours at night...sometimes longer...depending on the night. I'm feeling a ton more "human" now that I'm getting a longer stretch of sleep at night. Our current challenge is keeping Brianna in her bed! We can't figure out if she's sleep walking (inherited from Daddy :)) or just awake, but we keep finding her in strange locations of the house in the middle of the night laying on the floor with her favorite pink bear. Last night at 3:40 am I heard Brianna's voice in Drew's nursery monitor...meaning... she was in Drew's nursery talking away! I bolted out of bed in an attempt to keep her from waking Drew...but I was too late. He was awake too. After escorting Brianna back to her bedroom I ended up feeding Drew so he would go back to sleep. Tonight we are going to try closing Drew's door & putting a "baby proof cover" on the doorknob. Hopefully that will do the trick! There's so much more to share about all that's happened over the past 8 weeks (I can't believe it's been that long since I've blogged!), but for now this is all I have time for. I'll hopefully be posting some more pics this weekend. My parents arrive on Sunday for a visit. My mom was here for the first 5 weeks & was a tremendous help to me in those early difficult days. I'm so grateful for her willingness to spend that much time here.

Very classy! I love the new look!
Awwww. . .they're getting so big!!!! I'm so jealous Jeremy got to see all of you yesterday. He sounded like he had a great time with you guys.
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