Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Belated Summer News!

Where does time go?! It's hard to believe the summer is now behind us as we find ourselves settling into our "fall routine." The cooler temps in the morning & evening are a wonderful reminder that relief from the heat is finally here! We had a great summer. Drew turned 5 months on Friday & Brianna is officially 2 1/2 yrs. old! I'm not sure which one is more work right now! :) Drew definitely seems to be on the "fast track" with his development. He just cut his first TWO tooth at 4 mo. of age!! I was stunned. Actually, I have two kids teething right now. Brianna is working on her 2 yr. molars. I really didn't think I would have 2 kids teething at the same time...but here we are! :) Both kids sleep 10-11 hrs. at night when they aren't teething :) & we are so very grateful for that accomplishment! :)
Drew is rolling all over the place & has just about mastered the art of sitting up all by himself! Yay! I think he is trying to play "catch up" with his big sister. :) He LOVES Brianna & has a ready smile & giggle for her. He's a bit of lost soul when she's not around. She's my best form of entertainment for him. She loves him dearly too. It's so cute to watch them interact. We think they are going to be best buds. :)
Brianna is a VERY busy 2 yr. old. She keeps me on my toes almost constantly. She likes to be "in charge" of things. She will make a great leader some day as long as this quality is used properly. :) Her favorite things to do right now are "cook mommy"...interpreted cook WITH Mommy, play with "Baby Doo" (her name for Drew), play with play-do, play in the sink & "help" Mommy wash dishes, play with cousins & friends, go to church, go to Kindermusik, & watch her Curious George video. She is a huge social butterfly & loves to be with people of all ages. She is total riot & we are especially enjoying listening to her vocabulary explode right now.
August was a busy, fun-filled month for us. Machen's parents came from PA to visit all of their family in the Greenville area during the first 2 weeks of August. We had a wonderful time visiting with them & the extended family. We had just gotten a fondu pot, so we hosted several fondu "parties" for everyone. Quite fun, but not recommended for anyone trying not to gain weight!
We traveled up to MI for the last 2 weeks of August. My parents live up there on a lake. We thoroughly enjoyed the peaceful setting & the cooler weather! Brianna had a blast & actually enjoyed going on boat rides this year. The kids survived the 13 hour road trip much better than anticipated. It was a treat to be able to see my grandparents who traveled up from Texas while we were there. They enjoyed seeing their only great grandchildren. We are thankful the recent hurricane didn't affect their home or safety in southern TX. We also enjoyed a quick visit with my aunt & uncle who are living in China right now. Speaking of China, my sister & brother-in-law are doing fantastic in China. They are really enjoying teaching English in the University & are learning to to speak Chinese. We miss them, but look forward to a quick visit in January.
Above is a slide show of our trip to MI, plus other fun summer pics. Just click on the collage of pics in order to see them individually in a slide show. Enjoy!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
3 months
It is very hard to believe Drew is 3 months old today! How time flies. He is growing so quickly. Already, he adds so much joy to our lives & an extra dimension to our family.

This "Bumbo" seat is the greatest invention! It wasn't available when Brianna was this age. They can seat in it as soon as they can hold up their head. It gives them the feeling of sitting up before they can do it on their own.

Papa enjoying his grandchildren. Above is a pic of Drew curling up his toes around Papa's finger.
Hangin' out with big sis. Brianna seems to enjoy the Bumbo seat more than Drew! :)

We can't believe Drew is already able to sit in the Jumperoo!

Here Brianna is lovingly "terrorizing" her little brother by trying to get a picture of him! A nice "close up!" :)
Brianna had a blast at Chucky Cheese with Nana & Papa.
We love his smiles :)

Can you tell she dearly loves her little brother??
Papa does too!

Fun times with Nana & Papa during their recent visit.

Daddy & Brianna reading their Bibles together before church.

Hangin' out with big sis. Brianna seems to enjoy the Bumbo seat more than Drew! :)

Brianna had a blast at Chucky Cheese with Nana & Papa.

Papa does too!

Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy 4th!
Wow!! I'm actually updating my blog! As you can see, it's a bit harder these days to find time for blogging. :) Yes, life with a 2 yr. old & a 2 mo. old is VERY busy!! I hadn't anticipated it being quite this challenging, but with each passing day we are settling into a "new norm." As I'm writing both kiddos have woken up from their naps...so we'll see how far I get here! I can't believe Drew will be 11 weeks on Sat.!!! He's is growing so quickly. It's incredible to watch the transformation take place! He's a big boy...in the 90th percentile for height & weight. He now has a ready smile for us & is starting to vocalize a bit. He tends to be a fussy baby & loves to be held anytime he's awake. Thankfully he's learning to be content in his swing or bouncer. I invested in a sling & front carrier which helps in those moments when he really needs to be held & I really need my hands free. He is now sleeping about 6-7 hours at night...sometimes longer...depending on the night. I'm feeling a ton more "human" now that I'm getting a longer stretch of sleep at night. Our current challenge is keeping Brianna in her bed! We can't figure out if she's sleep walking (inherited from Daddy :)) or just awake, but we keep finding her in strange locations of the house in the middle of the night laying on the floor with her favorite pink bear. Last night at 3:40 am I heard Brianna's voice in Drew's nursery monitor...meaning... she was in Drew's nursery talking away! I bolted out of bed in an attempt to keep her from waking Drew...but I was too late. He was awake too. After escorting Brianna back to her bedroom I ended up feeding Drew so he would go back to sleep. Tonight we are going to try closing Drew's door & putting a "baby proof cover" on the doorknob. Hopefully that will do the trick! There's so much more to share about all that's happened over the past 8 weeks (I can't believe it's been that long since I've blogged!), but for now this is all I have time for. I'll hopefully be posting some more pics this weekend. My parents arrive on Sunday for a visit. My mom was here for the first 5 weeks & was a tremendous help to me in those early difficult days. I'm so grateful for her willingness to spend that much time here.

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Lisa!
Yesterday I celebrated my birthday...no I'm not saying any numbers! :) I've stopped counting this year. :) I had a very special day. It started out with Machen serving me breakfast in bed! Boy was that nice! What a great hubby I have! :) Then we took Drew for his 3 week check-up. He's doing great! He weighs a whopping 8 lbs, 8 oz. already! His cheeks & tummy are really starting to fill out & under his chin. Unfortunately he had to get a "heel stick" again b/c the first test came back incomplete. It was very hard for me to watch him cry out in pain, but thankfully it's over! I had originally thought my birthday would be a complete "blurr"...not able to get out yet...but thanks to my mom & all the help she's been I've been doing/feeling GREAT! We had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants...California Dreaming! Rich & Laurie joined us too. What a joy it is to be able to celebrate being a Mommy twice over now! I have so very much to be thankful for. The Lord has been very good to me.

Drew slept through most of the dinner. :)

Brianna enjoyed "reading" the menu to us! :)

Machen's gift to me was a swing for the backyard so I can enjoy being outdoors with my two little ones. It's already working out great. I can rock Drew while watching Brianna play in her sandbox, etc. The perfect gift to help us enjoy these gorgeous days!

Brianna adores her baby brother & LOVES to "hold" him. We've had some close calls, but so far she hasn't smothered him! ;)

Drew had his first bath & thoroughly enjoyed it.

Daddy's version of "holding" Drew. Hey, whatever works!

Drew slept through most of the dinner. :)

Brianna enjoyed "reading" the menu to us! :)

Machen's gift to me was a swing for the backyard so I can enjoy being outdoors with my two little ones. It's already working out great. I can rock Drew while watching Brianna play in her sandbox, etc. The perfect gift to help us enjoy these gorgeous days!

Brianna adores her baby brother & LOVES to "hold" him. We've had some close calls, but so far she hasn't smothered him! ;)

Drew had his first bath & thoroughly enjoyed it.

Daddy's version of "holding" Drew. Hey, whatever works!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
2 1/2 weeks & we're still surviving! :)
Well, life is starting to settle into a new routine here. Drew is now 2 1/2 weeks old & is doing great! Mommy is very tired until she gets her long daytime nap. Thankfully my mom is here for 2 1/2 more weeks to help out. She makes it possible for me to take my naps & keep my sanity! She has been a HUGE help around here keeping the kitchen going, laundry, rocking Drew, & around the clock care of Brianna. Brianna is enjoying her time with Nana. She is adjusting well, but struggles at times with this new transition. Last night I was able to go to my baby shower put on my Sunday School class ladies. We had it at a yummy place called "McAllister's Deli." A bunch of my friends came out & showered Drew with lots of really cute clothes! He's going to be one styling little man! :) My shower was originally scheduled for April 17 th, but that's the day I started contractions... It was actually more fun getting to bring Drew with me. Plus my mom got to be here for it too. Today we enjoyed the 80+ degree weather by going to a park & getting pizza & root beer floats for dinner! I haven't seen Brianna that dirty in a long time! Needless to say, she thoroughly enjoyed herself. :)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
Gratefulness to God

We would like to praise the Lord for several specific answered prayers for Drew Nicholas...
- No high risk issues for the pregnancy
- Turned in time from a breech position
- Came 2 weeks early (a relief for Mommy's back!)
- No complications for our unmedicated water birth
- Healthy little boy
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father..." James 1:17
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
"Big Bear" helping comfort the little sick girl. She's fine now...but had a bug a couple weeks ago.

Brianna is preparing to be "mommy's helper." One of her favorite activities right now is changing her doll's diapers.

She's going to be a great big sister! All day long she says, "Baby Out!!" She's getting very anxious to get this baby out of mommy's tummy. Mommy is too! :)

Brianna received a Minnie Mouse dress up outfit for her birthday from some friends. First thing in the morning we hear "clip clop" across the hardwood floor. She loves those shoes! Thanks Shumakers! :)

I'm now 37 weeks. I'm officially full-term now! The baby has turned "head down"...yay! My latest ailment has been lower back & sciatic pain. After a week of hardly being able to walk, I'm finally feeling better. Regular chiropractic adjustments have been helping. I'm sure things will get better once I have the baby. Machen has been a "saint" & has been helping me a lot around the house. We can't wait to meet our little boy! :)

Brianna is preparing to be "mommy's helper." One of her favorite activities right now is changing her doll's diapers.

She's going to be a great big sister! All day long she says, "Baby Out!!" She's getting very anxious to get this baby out of mommy's tummy. Mommy is too! :)

Brianna received a Minnie Mouse dress up outfit for her birthday from some friends. First thing in the morning we hear "clip clop" across the hardwood floor. She loves those shoes! Thanks Shumakers! :)

I'm now 37 weeks. I'm officially full-term now! The baby has turned "head down"...yay! My latest ailment has been lower back & sciatic pain. After a week of hardly being able to walk, I'm finally feeling better. Regular chiropractic adjustments have been helping. I'm sure things will get better once I have the baby. Machen has been a "saint" & has been helping me a lot around the house. We can't wait to meet our little boy! :)

Friday, March 28, 2008
Bounce House Fun!
Brianna & her friend Leah having fun in the "bounce house" at Leah's b-day party! We tried using it at Brianna's party, but she didn't want anything to do with it. Oh well!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
More pics!
Here are some more pics of our various activities this past month. Lisa's parents came down from MI for an early birthday celebration with Brianna earlier in March. The two main highlights of the week were a trip to the Columbia Zoo & painting flowers all around Brianna's room! We also threw Machen a surprise 30th b-day party. He was quite surprised & we were thrilled to have pulled it off!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Ok, I've finally found a chunk of time to put some new pictures on our blog! Hooray! This month has been crazy busy. I still have more to put on here, but these are the very latest for now. Brianna just celebrated her 2 yr. birthday. She had a "kiddie party" with three other 2 yr. olds right on her birthday & then a family party yesterday. We had also celebrated early in the month with my (Lisa's) parents. Needless to say, we are partied out!! You will see a lot of Minnie Mouse in the pics because that her favorite thing in all the world right now. We can't believe how fast she's growing up. She loves to be a little "mommy" & pretend to change her baby doll's diaper. She's going to make a great big sis!
We are just a little over 5 weeks away from the arrival of little Drew Nicholas! We are getting very excited about meeting him & finally getting to see what he looks like! I was diagnosed this week with a bacterial infection in my lymph node in my neck, so I'm on an antibiotic for that (pregnancy safe). It started clearing up almost immed. after getting on the med. & the pain is finally gone after 2 weeks of suffering. Yay! After suspecting thyroid prob's, this simple fix has come as such a relief. Other than that, everything is going great with the pregnancy. He's now head-down...another welcome relief as he's been breech up till now.
Enjoy the pics! Hopefully more to come soon!
We are just a little over 5 weeks away from the arrival of little Drew Nicholas! We are getting very excited about meeting him & finally getting to see what he looks like! I was diagnosed this week with a bacterial infection in my lymph node in my neck, so I'm on an antibiotic for that (pregnancy safe). It started clearing up almost immed. after getting on the med. & the pain is finally gone after 2 weeks of suffering. Yay! After suspecting thyroid prob's, this simple fix has come as such a relief. Other than that, everything is going great with the pregnancy. He's now head-down...another welcome relief as he's been breech up till now.
Enjoy the pics! Hopefully more to come soon!
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